Make My Team Logo

For non-tech founders, SMB CEOs, and CXOs

Turn your product vision into reality - by hiring right product builders

MMT helps you assemble a team of top-tier software developers, product managers, and designers based on experience, skills, and expertise to validate, build, and scale your tech product without breaking the bank.

Builds Better Product, Faster

When you dont' hire
Product Builders
You get tons of code, which
costs you a lot
The focus is on developing more code that
delays launch & go-to-market
The product will crumble later, costing a
fortune to rebuild and maintain
When you hire
Product Builder
You build product to solve the customers'
core needs & problems
The focus is on helping you achieve
outcomes & market-fit
Build a rock-solid foundation for your vision - fast, efficient, and cost-effective to maintain



Tell us what you are building.

We schedule a discovery call with you to understand your product mission and the kind of product talent you need. During the call, we will share the monthly cost with you.



of applicants pass


We hire your product team.

MMT defines and refines the scope of work of your product mission and helps you hire the talent you need based on experience, skills, and expertise from our deeply vetted pool of product builders.



of applicants pass


Your team is ready for execution.

Once you're happy with the team we assemble for your product mission, we'll do the mission kick-off meeting with your team and set you on the path to building a high-quality product on time.



of applicants pass

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Schedule your free Clarity Call with our product-building expert for up to 60 minutes. This call will provide clarity on: (a) uncovering the root problems hindering your progress (b) how to approach building your product

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Schedule a free clarity call



Validate the potential of your product idea, craft a compelling design & build your MVP roadmap
  • Identify your personas & your customer needs
  • Competition analysis
  • Marketing website
  • Build critical user journeys
  • Mockups and wireframes
  • MVP roadmap to focus on building what matters


Build & launch the right product faster, with a clear roadmap that prioritizes customer needs
$ 49
99 Monthly
  • Build your MVP efficiently
  • Get it deployed on cloud
  • Launch it to learn faster
  • Get a handover of your product & intellectual property
  • Get ready for your next phase of growth


Cost-effective product enhancement & maintenance that drives customer happiness and innovation
$ 49
99 Monthly
  • MMT to help you in rightsizing the team as you scaleup(or down)
  • Roadmap optimization using MMT product planning module
  • Achieve execution excellance using MMT product execution module


Q: How much will it cost me to build my product?

We understand that cost is a significant factor, and we’re committed to providing a fair price to you while ensuring it’s also fair for the product builder(s) you hire. The cost depends primarily on two factors:
(a) What you need: ‘Discovery & Design’ OR ‘Building the Product’ OR to ‘Maintain your Product’
(b) Complexity of the product
During our discovery call(free of cost), we’ll better understand your product’s mission and the kind of product talent you need. Based on that, we will provide a monthly cost estimate that doesn’t break your bank. 

Q: How much time it will take to build my product?

The timeline depends on the complexity of the product. “Discovery & Design” takes an average of around 2 months. Building the MVP with average complexity will take 3 to 6 months.

Q: How will you ensure the right product builders are aligned?

We thoroughly assess the product-building skills of those who apply to join the MMT talent pool. Once we identify the roles required for your product’s mission, we choose two qualified MMT team members for each role needed for your tech product. Once you are okay with selected talent, we will handle the contracting process and assemble the team specifically for your product’s needs.

Q: How long will MMT take to align the team with us?

Post discovery call, once we understand your product mission, we can align the team within 2 to 3 weeks.

Q: How will you ensure the hired team will build high-quality tech products, on-time?

Assembling the right team is essential for delivering a high-quality product on time. We meticulously evaluate the product-building skills of applicants to our MMT network. When selecting team members, we ensure they are a perfect fit for your product’s goals. Our MMT platform provides comprehensive tools for product management and execution, enabling efficient and high-quality development.

Q: How will you protect my intellectual property (IP)?
Once the team is assembled, we’ll facilitate contract signing between you and each hired team member. We’ll also ensure a smooth transfer of key intellectual property documents and code throughout the project and at its conclusion. If desired, we can sign an NDA with you prior to our discovery call.
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